What's special about Apple Homekit?

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pvrfan said:
So, to be conservative, the current potential user base for HomeKit is at least 700,000,000 devices.   ;)  Per the quarterly results released yesterday, they sold 61 million iPhones in the last 3 months...in their traditionally _slow_ quarter.  
What's the user base of CQC?  CastleOS?
Dean don't waste your time trying to have a logical discussion with this ignorant troll. He couldn't care less about what you or I think, or apparently anyone else for that matter. He's yet to wrap his head around the fact that without companies like us providing apps to access the HomeKit database, as well as manufacturers creating HomeKit enabled smart devices, there is no HomeKit. But Apply fanboy trolls can't ever imagine Apple failing or having anything other than never-before-seen success, so it's a hopeless cause to expect any sort of rational discussion with him...
The main question I have regarding HomeKit over the long term is this: Apple has never succeeded when it wasn't the combined device AND service provider. Being the service provider and working with a global network of manufacturing partners is Microsoft's forte, not Apple's. Have they ever tried to build a partnered ecosystem at this scale? And I don't think iPhone case manufacturers count...
So in my mind, only time will tell if Apple can pull of being a closed service provider to an open hardware manufacturing ecosystem. And I'm not sure any of the major established players will necessarily want to jump on board. Insteon has done so, but they're a minor player compared to those that haven't, and it's a marketing play for them... 
ChrisCicc said:
Dean don't waste your time trying to have a logical discussion with this ignorant troll. He couldn't care less about what you or I think, or apparently anyone else for that matter. He's yet to wrap his head around the fact that without companies like us providing apps to access the HomeKit database, as well as manufacturers creating HomeKit enabled smart devices, there is no HomeKit. But Apply fanboy trolls can't ever imagine Apple failing or having anything other than never-before-seen success, so it's a hopeless cause to expect any sort of rational discussion with him...
I shouldn't have to say this, but apparently I do:  Please, let us all be cordial and refrain from name calling and ad hominem rhetoric.  It's damaging to the forum, and the moderators (are you there?) should not allow it.  I'm quoting this post merely as an example.  I don't care who started it, but it has got to end.
+1 to NeverDie's request.
The conversation was spirited and civil (as it often is here) but then yet another personal attack appeared.
If you disagree with someone, please refrain from name-calling; personal attacks are beneath the dignity of this forum.
NeverDie said:
I shouldn't have to say this, but apparently I do:  Please, let us all be cordial and refrain from name calling and ad hominem rhetoric.  It's damaging to the forum, and the moderators (are you there?) should not allow it.
Once again, calling someone a troll is not a personal attack. If he doesn't like it, then he shouldn't troll this forum. 

Regarding the moderators, good luck. I can't even get messages read, never mind replied to. This place is on autopilot, and judging by the traffic numbers, they don't seem to care...
Dude, please stop.  Debate points on their merits, and if you can't do that, don't say anything at all.
This shit derails these threads which, as contentious as they can become, are at least full of information which others might find valuable.
ChrisCicc said:
Once again, calling someone a troll is not a personal attack. If he doesn't like it, then he shouldn't troll this forum. 
By all current definitions of the Internet slang "troll", it's far from a compliment and, for the record, I don't think you or pvrfan are trolls. Let's avoid labeling fellow forum members and just focus on the debate.
jkmonroe said:
Dude, please stop.  Debate points on their merits, and if you can't do that, don't say anything at all.
Both of my comments had facts about HomeKit in it. The person who needs to stop is the person who is posting here solely to convince everyone else his (incorrect) viewpoint is the only viewpoint. He was derailing this thread long before I made my comment with comments like this: "What's the user base of CQC?  CastleOS?"
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl//ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]
You know, like posting about how a completely unrelated Kickstarter hasn't delivered on a millions in pledges in the CastleHUB thread in an attempt to associate the CastleHUB Kickstarter with failure to deliver. 
see, posts like that don't need to happen.

and while i disagree with you on HomeKit, i'm actually rooting for you to be right.
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