Haiku Space and iBeacons


In 1.11, the option to add a Smart Trigger using an iBeacon Region is gone. Instead there are just two choices that say "Add Geographical Region". An existing iBeacon Region trigger works so maybe it's just the code to add new one.

IBeacon smart triggers still don't work well. I can be sitting looking at an iBeacon 10' away and Space will fire off as if I'm moving away and returning. The iBeacon configuration software (RadBeacon) doesn't show the same behavior.
tannebil said:
In 1.11, the option to add a Smart Trigger using an iBeacon Region is gone. Instead there are just two choices that say "Add Geographical Region". An existing iBeacon Region trigger works so maybe it's just the code to add new one.

IBeacon smart triggers still don't work well. I can be sitting looking at an iBeacon 10' away and Space will fire off as if I'm moving away and returning. The iBeacon configuration software (RadBeacon) doesn't show the same behavior.
tannebil you have gotten further than me.  How do you even get to that??
The existing iBeacon Region was created in an earlier version of Space. The iBeacons were easy to configure to a single UUID (identical major index, sequentially increasing minor index) using either Locate (Radius) or RadBeacon. I originally started with just a single Radius Beacon but added two Rad USB beacons when Space was showing too frequent transitions in and out of range. The Rad Beacons didn't change anything so I concluded that Space was the issue and sort of gave up on using it until higher priority Space issues got sorted out and Space Server got released. I take another look at it when new versions of iOS and Space are released just to see if it's improved.

HH geofencing never worked reliabally for me either and lupinglade never showed much interest in troubleshooting it so I thought I'd give iBeacons a try. I'm not knocking lupinglade here as I understand that there is limited time in the day, not every problem can get worked, and that it's a minor feature. I'm deeply appreciative that HH/Space exists at all as overall it works pretty well and all the alternatives I've looked at are far inferior.
I forgot to mention that I'm running the iOS 9 public beta. That might or might not be related to the missing iBeacon Region option.

It's been very solid so sometimes I forget I'm running it.
This looks to be a bug, will be fixed in the update. We'll be improving iBeacon support as well, but right now the priority is getting the UI right.