Search results

  1. lupinglade

    Insteon testers wanted

    Have Insteon and a Mac running 10.12? We're alpha testing a next gen home automation platform that will support hardware from various manufacturers and provide unparalleled flexibility as well as friendly advanced administration tools and UI. Please PM me if you are interested in alpha testing...
  2. lupinglade

    Insteon testers wanted

    We're currently alpha testing our next gen home automation platform and we're looking for any Insteon users that would like to join the test group. Please PM me if you are interested.
  3. lupinglade

    Haiku The new product

    I can share a bit more info for those interested. The new product is a full home automation solution that does not require the Omni panel, but does integrate with it fully. We support other popular HA protocols/hardware and will be constantly adding more drivers.   Here's what we have so far:  ...
  4. lupinglade

    Haiku Would you prefer a list type layout in Space?

    Here's an opportunity to provide your feedback for a coming Space update: Would you prefer a list-type layout in Space (similar to Haiku)?
  5. lupinglade

    Haiku Feature Requests

    What features do you want to see added to Space?
  6. lupinglade

    Haiku Space CHANGELOG

    Space 1.00 - Initial release
  7. lupinglade

    Haiku Space Questions/Troubleshooting/etc

    Please post your questions/troubleshooting help/inquiries for the newly released Space for iOS app here. If your question is a generic one or one-liner kind of issue you can post here so that we don't flood the forum with many random short questions.
  8. lupinglade

    Haiku Space is now available on the App Store!

    After a long wait, Space is finally available on the iOS App Store. Space is complete rewrite of Haiku and takes advantage of all of the latest features iOS and HAI/Leviton's controllers offer to bring us a new level of home automation control.   We're offering a promotional upgrade price...
  9. lupinglade

    Haiku Tips on using Space

    Now that Space is available on the App Store, here's a little list of tips for using it:   - On iPhone/iPod: You can swipe the main menu left and right to reveal more items.   - Tap and hold on almost any item to rename it or set a custom icon.   - Swipe back on the left edge of the screen to go...
  10. lupinglade

    Haiku Haiku is now Space, available shortly!

    After a long development period, we're happy to announce that Haiku's successor, Space has been submitted to the App Store. Space is a brand new product, rewritten from the ground up to take advantage of the latest iOS features and technologies. At the same time we spent a lot of time to...
  11. lupinglade

    Haiku Haiku 4 beta test 2

    We're ready to start beta testing the latest development version of Haiku 4. It is nearing release quality and will be available with the launch of iOS 8. It will require iOS 8 due to a number of advancements that we are taking advantage of to make Haiku better.   We're looking for a few beta...
  12. lupinglade

    Haiku Haiku 4.0 sneak peek and a few details...

    Its been a while, but we've been working hard to get Haiku 4.0 ready for everyone to enjoy. First, we think you will be excited to know that Haiku 4 will support iBeacons, which will let you utilize the technology for proximity and automation tasks. We'll also be expanding this feature even...
  13. lupinglade

    Haiku Haiku 4 is going to be revolutionary, add your suggestions

    With version 4.0 we are redesigning the Haiku UI from the ground up for improved performance, usability and a brand new look. Feel free to post your ideas or suggestions and we may include some of them.
  14. lupinglade

    Haiku Control your home via Siri with HaikuHelper+SiriProxy

    We've made available a plugin for SiriProxy that gives you voice control over your home via Siri on iOS devices. Its not an officially supported feature by Apple, so setting up SiriProxy is a bit of work, but not too difficult for those with some networking/*nix experience. The project is here...
  15. lupinglade

    [Home Automation Software] HaikuHelper

    HaikuHelper Click here to view the software package
  16. lupinglade

    Haiku Sample/preview Black theme for HaikuHelper Default Web Interface

    A new feature in HaikuHelper allows easily customizing and selectively overriding parts of an Interface to tailor to your needs via the Interface.plist file included with any Interface. Here's a quick preview/sample of how to apply a CSS theme to the Default web interface. This is the easiest...
  17. lupinglade

    Haiku Notice regarding changes to RainAdvisory in coming update

    This is a notice to our users that the way the RainAdvisory flag works will change in the near future. Likely in HaikuHelper 2.62. Currently, the RainAdvisory flag reflects the number of days until the first day of rain within the next 5 days. This will change such that the RainAdvisory flag...
  18. lupinglade

    Haiku Screenshots of new HaikuHelper features and updated look

    Here are some screenshots of the next and next-next version of HaikuHelper with the new weather view, updated styling, favorites, searching and data filters. [sharedmedia=gallery:images:501] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:500]
  19. lupinglade

    ZigBee module for OmniStat RC2000?

    Is it possible to order the ZigBee module for an OmniStat separately? Ie. Can a non-ZigBee OmniStat be upgraded to ZigBee?
  20. lupinglade

    Applied ZIM update now radio shows v0.0 and no MAC

    I applied ZIM firmware 14.23 starting with the radio firmware as instructed and now the ZIM shows v0.0 for the radio and no MAC address etc. Tried reapplying the update but it hangs at Starting update... Any ideas?