Omni Panel, Zigbee and PCAccess


I have an OmniLTe panel.  The LTe has 32 units available for allocation and I have already allocated 22 using HLC for "House Code Format"  I have a Zigbee lock that works great with the panel.
I just purchased a  Zigbee plug-in load module.  It appears that to have the panel control it, I have to change the house code for 16 units at a time (either 1-16 or 17-32).   Since I already have 1-16 allocated to HLC and 17-22 need to be HLC also, am I out of luck?
Am I missing something or is there no way to change single units to the Zigbee protocol?
Any other workaround?
You're not missing anything.  That is the way it works.  I've always thought it should at least be setup of for multiples of 8 to match the rooms.  It's not usually an issue on an OmniProII, but I can see where it would really cause an issue with the LTe.